Hello and Welcome
Welcome to the Blog for the Heart Centered Depth Work Website,
We live in an amazing world. The Dick Tracy wrist watches of my childhood were an unbelievable fantasy. I worked on a research project in Los Angeles in the early 1970’s with data for 500 subjects punched onto data cards about 4”x 10”, with about 8-10 cards per subject. We carefully carried the long tray boxes to the computer center at USC, a room about 40’ x 40’, or so, to run the data, praying we wouldn’t accidentally drop the box.
From this beginning, we now can hold a gadget in our hands the size of a computer card and have access to libraries of information. This blog also provides information, but providing information and opportunity for education is just a beginning.
My website and blog are a kind of travel guide providing a map for the journey of getting to know yourself at depth levels. Reading the travel guide is not the same as doing the work that actually gets you to the places described.
The depth work I’m describing here provides a way to shift your state of consciousness to one that sees and understands and feels what it’s like to be the human being you are, living this human life, and come to know yourself, deeply know yourself, and love yourself. And out of this love for yourself, see and love others, having more understanding of the journey they, too, are having. And then you experience the deeper Mystery of our connection with this Something that is greater than we are.
Knowing this linear, intellectual material is not the journey into yourself. Those who are called to take their flashlight and go in will find that a human guide who’s walked the journey is most helpful. Gradually, little by little, it makes sense, and you begin to see what your life is all about.
Then one day you begin to walk upright with joy, and you know, “For This I’ve Come.’